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Career Centre

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Telephone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5351 (Voicemail)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Campus Building: Single pixel image needed for indentation 202 McLaughlin College
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Fax: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5684
Single pixel image needed for indentation Eichvald, Bob L Single pixel image needed for indentation Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kim-Newman, Tammy Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Director, Employer and Alumni Engagement
Single pixel image needed for indentation Massey, Sybil Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Director, Career & Experiential Education Systems
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pugliese, Rina Single pixel image needed for indentation Operations Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sandher, Vina Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Director, Career Education & Development
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cela, Dali Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Educator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Decoteau, Jeanne Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Counsellor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Jeyakumar, Shanthini Single pixel image needed for indentation Employer Services & Events Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kaur, Saranjeet Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Educator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kozinska, Roma Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Counsellor
Single pixel image needed for indentation La Civita, Luciana Single pixel image needed for indentation Title Not Supplied
Single pixel image needed for indentation Murali, Vaishnavi Single pixel image needed for indentation EL Systems & Services Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pogue, Susan Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Counsellor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Potechin, Tal Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Educator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Vo, Tony Single pixel image needed for indentation Career Success Project Coordinator

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Success
Level One Career Centre

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