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Dept of English, Faculty of LA&PS

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation No. de Téléphone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5166 (Voicemail)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Bâtiment De Campus: Single pixel image needed for indentation Atkinson 524
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Télécopieur: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5412
Single pixel image needed for indentation Weaver, Andrew Single pixel image needed for indentation Chair and Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cain, Stephen Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Director and Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Zacharias, Robert Single pixel image needed for indentation Graduate Program Director and Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Malla, Pasha Single pixel image needed for indentation Creative Writing Program Coordinator and Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Crawford (she/her), Rose Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation McCue (she/her/hers), Meaghan Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant (on leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Armstrong (she/her), Kathy Single pixel image needed for indentation Graduate Program Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hong-Mohammed (she/her), Michelle Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Anacleto (she/her), Michelle Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Wilson (she/her), Kimberly Single pixel image needed for indentation Program Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Figueredo (she / her), Rowena Theresa Single pixel image needed for indentation Operations Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Abdolahi, Marjan Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Akhtar, Salman Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Allen, Delany McKenzie Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor (on leave December 2023 to December 2024)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Attrux, Monique Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Balfour, Ian Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Balko, Braedon Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Barzegar, Zahra Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Basile, Elena Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bell, John A Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bhat, Sheetala Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Biedrzycki, Dorota Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bilkhu, Joti Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Birbalsingh, Frank Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Blumberg, Marcia Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Boon, Marcus B Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Campbell, Heather Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Carley, James Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Scholar
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cho, Lily M Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Choi, Tina Young Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Clements, Elicia Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cohen, Derek Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cooper-Clark, Diana Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Creet, Julia Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cummings, Michael Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dadawala, Vikrant Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Daeizadeh, Zohreh Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation De Sanctis, Olivia Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation De Souza, Carolina Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Duncan, Jennifer Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Early, Len Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Ebrahimi, Mehraneh Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Flattery, Bruce Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Fox, Theo (he/him) Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Frooman, Tamara Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Goldie, Terry Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Goldstein, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Greenblatt, Jordana Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gui, Jasmine Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Helm, Michael Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Higgins, Lesley Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hillman, Megan Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hopkins, Elizabeth Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Scholar
Single pixel image needed for indentation Jozinovic, Ivona Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Karabag, Irem Ayse Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Khomenko, Natalia Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Koretsky, Allen Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kuin, Roger Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kyrtsakas, Tita Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Latham, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lennox, John Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Leung, Maybelle Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Loebel, Thomas Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation MacDonald, Geoffrey Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation McLaughlin, Madelaine Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mukherjee, Arun Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Nadarajan, Anjalee Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Neill, Natalie Single pixel image needed for indentation Assct Professor, Teaching Stream (on sabbatical 07-01-24 to 06-30-25)
Single pixel image needed for indentation O'Briain, Katarina Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Olaogun, Modupe Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Papoutsis, James Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Patrascu-Kingsley, Dana Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pekkonen, Anneli Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pentland, Elizabeth Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Petropoulos, Jacqueline Single pixel image needed for indentation Sessional Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pilgrim, Anne Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Powe, B.W. Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Redding, Arthur F Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Rego, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Reid, Tiana Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sousa, Monica Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Stein, Olga Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Unrau, John Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Scholar
Single pixel image needed for indentation Unwin, Peter Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Valihora, Karen Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (on sabbatical 07-01-24 to 06-30-25)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Varkey, Hannah Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Vineberg, Allysha Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Vogan, Katrina Single pixel image needed for indentation Teaching Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Walton, Kathryn Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Warren, Jonathan Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Weiss, Allan Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor (on sabbatical 07-01-24 to 06-30-25)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Whitfield, Agnès Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Whittaker, Brian Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Williams, Deanne Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Willoughby, John Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Zeifman, Hersh Single pixel image needed for indentation Retired Faculty

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Academic Departments and Schools, Faculty of LA&PS
Level One Dept of English, Faculty of LA&PS

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