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Dept of Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Science

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation No. de Téléphone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5249
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Bâtiment De Campus: Single pixel image needed for indentation Petrie 128
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Télécopieur: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5516
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hall, Patrick Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor and Chair of Physics and Astronomy
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gordon, Wayne Single pixel image needed for indentation Operations Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Muzzin, Adam Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation George, Matthew Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Del Biondo, Cristalina Carmela Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant and Graduate Program Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation De Camillis, Janaki Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bartel, Norbert Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Scholar and Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bergevin, Christopher Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bhadra, Sampa Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bietenholz, Michael Single pixel image needed for indentation Research Associate
Single pixel image needed for indentation Blinov, Nikita Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Boukare, Charles-Edouard Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Burt, James Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cai, Tejin Single pixel image needed for indentation Post-Doc Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cannon, Wayne Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Carswell, Allan Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Darewych, Jurij Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation De Robertis, Michael Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Frisken, William Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Han, Yaqi Single pixel image needed for indentation Post Doctoral Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Harris, Deborah Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Heinrich, Daniel Single pixel image needed for indentation Post-Doc Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hessels, Eric Single pixel image needed for indentation Distinguished Research Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Horbatsch, Marko Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Howard, Bruce Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hyde, Elaina Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Idrees, Saad Single pixel image needed for indentation Post Doctoral Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Jeffers, Stanley Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Jerzak, Stanislaw Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Johnson, Matthew C Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kannan, Rahul Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kareem, Mohammad Single pixel image needed for indentation Laboratory Technologist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kirchner, Tom Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Koniuk, Roman Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kumarakrishnan, Anantharaman Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kumari, Priyanka Single pixel image needed for indentation Post Doctoral Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Laframboise, James G. Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lambo, Ricardo Single pixel image needed for indentation Post Doctoral Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lewis, Randy Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Marsan, Zehra Cemile Single pixel image needed for indentation Visiting Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation McCall, Marshall Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Menary, Scott Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mermut, Ozzy Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Miller, John Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Morgan, Fred Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Novikov, Alexandre Single pixel image needed for indentation Engineering Technologist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Orchard, Gloria Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor (Keele and Markham)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Parrott, William Single pixel image needed for indentation Post Doctoral Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Prince, Robert Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Roy, Noe Single pixel image needed for indentation Post Doctoral Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Rugheimer, Sarah Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Scholz, Paul Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Skinner, Taylor Single pixel image needed for indentation Laboratory Technologist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Stauffer, Allan Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Storry, Cody Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Taylor, Wendy Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Tulin, Sean Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation van Wijngaarden, William A. Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor

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