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Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Telephone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5051 (Voicemail)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Fax: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5950
Single pixel image needed for indentation Wang, Rui Single pixel image needed for indentation Dean
Single pixel image needed for indentation Audette, Gerald F. Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Dean, Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Scheid, Michael P. Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Dean, Students
Single pixel image needed for indentation Saridakis, Vivian Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Dean, Research and Partnerships
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kouyoumdjian, Hovig Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Dean, Curriculum and Pedagogy
Single pixel image needed for indentation Verrilli, Mario Single pixel image needed for indentation Executive Director, Operations and Administration
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hughes, Melissa Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Advisor, Strategic Engagement and Policy
Single pixel image needed for indentation Adekunle, Ore Single pixel image needed for indentation Interim Assistant to the Dean
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bahramian, Jamshid Single pixel image needed for indentation Systems Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Booth, Wendy Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Financial Officer
Single pixel image needed for indentation Burtin, Anna Single pixel image needed for indentation Website and Multimedia Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Celeridad, Carmina Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant, Curriculum and Pedagogy
Single pixel image needed for indentation Chan, Phoebe Tsz-Wai Single pixel image needed for indentation Research Officer
Single pixel image needed for indentation Chen, Xiaoxiang Single pixel image needed for indentation Director, International Collaborations & Partnerships
Single pixel image needed for indentation Davies (On Leave), Karyn Single pixel image needed for indentation Executive Assistant & Manager Dean's Office
Single pixel image needed for indentation Freedman, Kevin Single pixel image needed for indentation Facilities Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Golding, Monique Single pixel image needed for indentation Office Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gotcheva, Violeta Single pixel image needed for indentation Director, Information Technology
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lederman, Jerusha Single pixel image needed for indentation Director, Research and Partnerships
Single pixel image needed for indentation Li, Mingming Single pixel image needed for indentation Science International Recruiting Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lopez, Robin Single pixel image needed for indentation IT Systems Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Macgregor, Stuart Single pixel image needed for indentation Research Officer, Faculty of Science
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mao, Jin Min Single pixel image needed for indentation Research and Finance Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation McFarlane, Tianna Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant, Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Milley, Lesley Single pixel image needed for indentation Data & Analytics Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mroziewicz, Margaret Single pixel image needed for indentation Communications Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Naderi, Farshad Single pixel image needed for indentation Web Developer
Single pixel image needed for indentation Nahornick, Ashley Single pixel image needed for indentation Educational Development Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Ovis, Irina Single pixel image needed for indentation People Partner
Single pixel image needed for indentation Romero, Martin Single pixel image needed for indentation Infrastructure and Research Facility Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sequeira, Joanne Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant, Research and Graduate Education
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sheeller, Brad Single pixel image needed for indentation Director, Safety and Business Operations
Single pixel image needed for indentation Siyakatshana, Sibonile Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant, Students
Single pixel image needed for indentation Wagh, Kalpita Single pixel image needed for indentation Learning Technology Support Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Xu, Maggie Single pixel image needed for indentation Financial Administrative Assistant

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Faculty of Science
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Level Two ORU-Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry (CAC)
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Level Two Academic Services, Faculty of Science
Level Two Technical Services, Faculty of Science
Level Two General, Faculty of Science

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