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Writing Department, Faculty of LA&PS

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation Email: lapswrit@yorku.ca
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Telephone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5134 (Voicemail)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Campus Building: Single pixel image needed for indentation Ross S311
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Fax: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5270
Single pixel image needed for indentation McKenzie, Andrea Single pixel image needed for indentation Chair, Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Ruddy, Karen Single pixel image needed for indentation Sessional Assistant Professor Teaching, Undergraduate Program Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Baus, Dunja Single pixel image needed for indentation Sessional Assistant Professor Teaching
Single pixel image needed for indentation Posca (she/her), Emma Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Smyth, Barb Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Robertson, James Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Centre Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sibillin, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Client Services and Program Support Representative
Single pixel image needed for indentation Martinez, Alyssa Single pixel image needed for indentation Program and Centre Support Assistant 
Single pixel image needed for indentation Middleton (she / her), Kimberly Single pixel image needed for indentation Operations Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Allen, Laura Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bell, John A Single pixel image needed for indentation Title Not Supplied
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bell, Stephanie M. Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bernholtz, Marlene Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Single pixel image needed for indentation Blondeau, Brenda Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bucemi, Matthew Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Single pixel image needed for indentation Caravella, Elizabeth Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Coffey, Mary Anne Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Davidson, Sharon Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Doyle, Kerry Andrea Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Teaching
Single pixel image needed for indentation Easter, Brandee Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Fairweather, Courtney Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Georgieva, Rositza Single pixel image needed for indentation Tutorial Leader
Single pixel image needed for indentation Giblon, Beverley Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gillam, Robyn Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Howden, Sarah Single pixel image needed for indentation Course Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kaul, Kate Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Single pixel image needed for indentation La Rocque, Margot Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lowinsky, Ben Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation McComb, Brenda Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation McLaughlin, Paul Single pixel image needed for indentation Course Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Melo-Thaiss, Janet Single pixel image needed for indentation Course Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Michasiw, Kim Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor, On Sabbatical
Single pixel image needed for indentation Morris, Christopher Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Nash, Leigh Single pixel image needed for indentation Course Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Novak, Dagmar Single pixel image needed for indentation Tutorial Leader
Single pixel image needed for indentation O'Regan, Keith Single pixel image needed for indentation Tutorial Leader
Single pixel image needed for indentation Paolucci, Peter Single pixel image needed for indentation Course Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Rozendal, Phyllis Single pixel image needed for indentation Course Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sachar, Sonya Single pixel image needed for indentation Tutorial Leader
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sanders, Leslie Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Shivener, Rich Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Spencer, John Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor, Teaching Stream
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sufrin, Jon Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Centre Director, Associate Professor Teaching
Single pixel image needed for indentation Tubrett, Dion Jody Single pixel image needed for indentation Tutorial Leader
Single pixel image needed for indentation Turner, Lori Single pixel image needed for indentation Writing Instructor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Wood, Maxine Single pixel image needed for indentation Tutorial Leader
Single pixel image needed for indentation Woodhouse, Ros Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Academic Departments and Schools, Faculty of LA&PS
Level One Writing Department, Faculty of LA&PS

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