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Communications & Marketing Department, Faculty of LA&PS

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation Email: lapscoms@yorku.ca
Single pixel image needed for indentation Falzon, Jennifer Single pixel image needed for indentation Director, Strategic Communications & Marketing
Single pixel image needed for indentation Wittingham, Nathalia Single pixel image needed for indentation Manager, Communications, Marketing & Events (On leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Vakilova, Nazrin Single pixel image needed for indentation Interim Manager, Events & Internal Communications
Single pixel image needed for indentation Zilberberg, Melissa Megan Single pixel image needed for indentation Manager, Communications & Marketing
Single pixel image needed for indentation Begic, Sanja Single pixel image needed for indentation Web Development Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dahiroc, Mike Single pixel image needed for indentation CRM & Website Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Eskandarifar, Yasmin Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Graphic Designer
Single pixel image needed for indentation Frishman, Diklah Single pixel image needed for indentation Communications & Website Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Fulton, Elizabeth Single pixel image needed for indentation Communications & Website Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Glassman, Nicole Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Graphic Designer (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hsieh, James Single pixel image needed for indentation Digital Strategist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kubin, Jessica L Single pixel image needed for indentation Sr. Communications Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Luk, Catherine Single pixel image needed for indentation Graphic Designer
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mehta, Aishwarya Single pixel image needed for indentation Communications Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sharma, Anushka Single pixel image needed for indentation Events Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Song, Xi Sissi Single pixel image needed for indentation Graphic Designer (On leave)

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Office of the Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Level One Communications & Marketing Department, Faculty of LA&PS

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