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Office of the Dean, Schulich School of Business

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries-N302 Schulich School of Business
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Telephone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5070
Single pixel image needed for indentation Zwick, Detlev Single pixel image needed for indentation Dean
Single pixel image needed for indentation Massop, Yvonne Single pixel image needed for indentation Director, Strategic Initiatives & Engagement
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hayward, Sarah Lynn Single pixel image needed for indentation Marketing Communication Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Joseph, Troy Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Digital Marketing Analytics Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kimberley, Susan Single pixel image needed for indentation Events Specialist & Risk Analyst
Single pixel image needed for indentation Li, Alan Single pixel image needed for indentation Web & Digital Media Specialist
Single pixel image needed for indentation Liu, Sharon (Manzhou) Single pixel image needed for indentation Interim Assistant to the Dean
Single pixel image needed for indentation Naperi, Jaime Single pixel image needed for indentation Interim Administrative Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pivato, Paul Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Advisor, Media & Communications
Single pixel image needed for indentation Webber, Michael Andrew Single pixel image needed for indentation Title Not Supplied

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Schulich School of Business
Level One Office of the Dean, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Schulich Executive Education Centre (ExecEd), Schulich School of Business
Level Two Executive Learning Centre, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Office of Associate Dean, Programs, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Advancement & Alumni Engagement (AAE)
Level Two Office of the Executive Officer, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Centre for Career Design (CCD)
Level Two Office of Associate Dean, Research, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Office of Associate Dean, Academic, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Student Services & International Relations, Schulich School of Business
Level Two Information Services & Technology, Schulich School of Business

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