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Dept of Politics, Faculty of LA&PS

Departmental Info
Single pixel image needed for indentation General Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Telephone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5265 (Voicemail)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Campus Building: Single pixel image needed for indentation Ross S672
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Fax: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5686
Single pixel image needed for indentation Graduate Enquiries
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Telephone: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5264 (Voicemail)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Campus Building: Single pixel image needed for indentation Ross S623A
Single pixel image needed for indentation Single pixel image needed for indentation Fax: Single pixel image needed for indentation (416)736-5686
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pilon, Dennis Single pixel image needed for indentation Chair, Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Goshulak, Glenn T. Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Program Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation MacRae, Heather Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hae, Laam Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor, MA Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Barreto, Margaret (Margo) Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Yan, Dorothy Single pixel image needed for indentation Administrative Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Sarra-DeMeo, Jlenya Single pixel image needed for indentation Graduate Program Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Shakirova, Irina Single pixel image needed for indentation Graduate Program Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Chiu, Lissa Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Success & Academic Advisor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Leung, Stellar Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Administrator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gallucci, Rose Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Klinakis, Despina Single pixel image needed for indentation Undergraduate Program Assistant
Single pixel image needed for indentation Figueredo (she / her), Rowena Theresa Single pixel image needed for indentation Operations Manager
Single pixel image needed for indentation Agathangelou, Anna Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Albo, Greg Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (Sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Albritton, Robert R Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Alnasseri, Sabah Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (Sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Arora, Priyanka P Single pixel image needed for indentation Graduate Program Administrator (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bakker, Isabella Single pixel image needed for indentation Distinguished Research Prof.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bareebe, Gerald Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bayefsky, Anne Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bazowski, Raymond Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bell, Shannon Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Black, Naomi Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bohn, Simone Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Breaugh, Martin Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cameron, Barbara Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Canefe, Nergis Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Chin, Gregory Thomas Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dauphinee, Elizabeth Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dewitt, David B. Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dosman, Edgar Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Drache, Daniel A. Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Drummond, Robert Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dufour, Caroline Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Farr, Arnold Single pixel image needed for indentation True Visitor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Fiedlschuster, Micha Single pixel image needed for indentation Visiting Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Fletcher, Frederick James Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Forsyth, Scott Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Frolic, Bernard M. Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus/Contract Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gill, Stephen Single pixel image needed for indentation Distinguished Research Prof.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Gindin, Sam Single pixel image needed for indentation Adjunct Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Goldrick, Michael D Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Haider, Asad Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hellman, Judith Adler Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hellman, Stephen Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Henders, Susan J Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Horowitz, Asher Single pixel image needed for indentation Senior Scholar
Single pixel image needed for indentation Jacobs, Lesley Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation John, Tamanisha Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kernerman, Gerald Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Krikorian, Jacqueline Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lacher, Hannes Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Latham, Robert Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Leyton-Brown, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Loeppky, Rodney Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (Sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
Single pixel image needed for indentation MacDermid, Robert Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Maley, Terry Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Martens, Stéphanie Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mawhinney, Michelle M Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor (Sabbatical January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)
Single pixel image needed for indentation McNally, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Morera, Esteve Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mukherjee-Reed, Ananya Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor (On Leave)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Murray, Karen Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor (Sabbatical January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)
Single pixel image needed for indentation Mutimer, David Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs & Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Newman, Stephen Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Newton, Janice Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Nitzan, Jonathan Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation North, Liisa Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pateman, Joe Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Plekhanov, Sergei Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Porter, Ann Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Pybus, Jennifer Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Rudolph, Ross A Single pixel image needed for indentation University Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Saunders, Richard Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Short, Nicola Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Shugarman, David P Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Simmons, Harvey G Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Singh, Jakeet Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Slowey, Gabrielle Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Smardon, Bruce Single pixel image needed for indentation Associate Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Smolnikov, Sergey Single pixel image needed for indentation Contract Faculty - Long Service Teaching Appointment
Single pixel image needed for indentation Swanson, William Single pixel image needed for indentation Retired Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Thakur, Monika Single pixel image needed for indentation Adjunct Faculty
Single pixel image needed for indentation Tungohan, Ethel Single pixel image needed for indentation Assoc. Prof./Canada Research Chair
Single pixel image needed for indentation Umar, Sanober Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Vosko, Leah Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor/Canada Research Chair
Single pixel image needed for indentation Webber, Jeffery Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Whitaker, Reginald Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emeritus
Single pixel image needed for indentation Whitworth, Sandra Single pixel image needed for indentation Professor Emerita
Single pixel image needed for indentation Zeno, Basileus Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Professor

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Academic Departments and Schools, Faculty of LA&PS
Level One Dept of Politics, Faculty of LA&PS

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