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Student Welcome & Support Center, Lassonde School of Engineering

Single pixel image needed for indentation Burnie, Mitchell Single pixel image needed for indentation Assistant Dean, Students
Single pixel image needed for indentation Dagsi, Mayolyn Single pixel image needed for indentation Manager, Co-Op & Business Partnerships
Single pixel image needed for indentation Keown, Garret Single pixel image needed for indentation Manager, Student Academic Integrity, Achievement & Awards
Single pixel image needed for indentation Smikle-Brown, Althea Single pixel image needed for indentation Manager, Student Advising
Single pixel image needed for indentation Wright, Gayathry Single pixel image needed for indentation Manager, Student Engagement & Recruitment
Single pixel image needed for indentation Bennett, Claudia V. Single pixel image needed for indentation Experiential Education Program Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Brown, Naomi Single pixel image needed for indentation Co-Op Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Chan, Jolie Single pixel image needed for indentation Co-Op Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Cliffe, Melissa A Single pixel image needed for indentation (on leave) Lassonde Community Liaison
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hall, Lauren Single pixel image needed for indentation Advising Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Harden, Sarah Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Success & Academic Advisor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Hicks, Caitlin A. Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Success & Academic Advisor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Kayet, Ryan Single pixel image needed for indentation Academic Services Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Khorshidchehr, Delnaz Single pixel image needed for indentation (on leave) Co-Op Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Lascasas, Kayla Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Life Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Moses, Zeripha Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Success & Academic Advisor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Primi, Daniella Single pixel image needed for indentation Enrolment Coordinator
Single pixel image needed for indentation Thompson, Chantel Single pixel image needed for indentation Student Success & Academic Advisor
Single pixel image needed for indentation Zhao, Yi (Ginger) Single pixel image needed for indentation Co-Op Coordinator

Related Depts.
Single pixel image needed for indentation Office of the Dean, Lassonde School of Engineering
Level One Student Welcome & Support Center, Lassonde School of Engineering

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